At the Atlanta History Center " A Little Girl's Dream House" |
I really am working on getting back to post on a more regular basis. I am really enjoying teaching the girls and this has really kept me super busy. I am also getting ready for my open house for A Southern Lady's Designs. I am looking forward to showing all the new items that I have been working on. I am trying to keep the a secret so that when everyone comes they will be the first to see the new stuff. Then the week after the open house I will be spending a few days at the beach with the ladies from our church. I am really looking forward to getting to relax on the beach and read a good book, shop a little and really just enjoy the fellowship. I have not gotten to go to the beach with the ladies since 2007, and I really think that this will be a great trip. We have about 50 ladies and 3 condos so this is great. A private pool and so much more to do. I am so excited. I have a few tutorials that I am writing and I hope to have them uploaded in the next couple of days. I am also in the process of creating an ebook with some of my new tutorials. I will post more information as it gets closer to being finished.

The newest thing that I have done is start reading an participating in
Inspired to Action's Maximize Your Mornings. It is a free ebook that shows you how to be a better mother by taking time for yourself each morning before your kids get up to spend time in prayer and taking care of yourself. It is all about making your morning time work for you so that your day runs better and you are not always feeling overwhelmed with the goings of the day.
To Quote Her: "I’m a Mother. I want to define what Motherhood is to my children. I want to work so hard, pray so passionately, and live so intentionally that they never think about what a mom could or should be, but they think about who I am."
This statement really hit home with me today. I was reading her post and I thought this is what I really want to be. "A Mother" .
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