Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

Happy New Year2010 is over and it was a very hard year for most, but sometimes I think that people let the calendar dictate their lives, they don’t just watch the clock but they let the calendar dates tell them when they can make a new start. Each year on this day lots of people make resolutions, wither it is to lose weight, be a better person, or change other things in their life. I think that if we have to wait on a certain date on the Calendar to start over then we are deceiving ourselves about the changes we have planned. If you really want to make changes to your situation you can do it right when you think about it, in that moment when first imagine it, and not wait until some date in the future.

Real change comes when we determine in our hearts that some things are needed and then decided to take the step in that direction. We have to pursue the change with our heads in the direction that our hearts lead us.

When we wait to make a change most of the times it never happens because we have put it off once and then unconsciously we feel it can be put off again.

I have made a list of things that I want to do or do differently during this year, but I did not make them on New Years eve. I made them on My Birthday Oct. 21. I made a list of 32 things that I wanted to do while I am 32. This list was not just things that I might want to change but things that I want to do with my girls, places that I want to see, and other things. On the night before my birthday I made a list of 31 things that made my year unique. I used this as a way to reflect over the past year and to prepare for moving on to another year of my life.

I have made other list at different times during the year that I wanted to have happen before the end of the year, or before my birthday, and these list have a way of getting completed. I find that writing a list, I mean really writing it down with pen and paper, really helps to make it more real, and not just in my head. I am surprised sometimes when I look back over the list, and see that most if not all have been accomplished. I have made list in my journals and never looked at them again until months have passed and realize that I have completed the list without even realizing it. This amazes me that my mind has determined to complete what I started.

I guess the point I have behind all this rambling is that we should not be dictated by a date on a piece of paper as to when we can make a change. We should begin each day as if it is the first day to make a difference; the first day to make fulfill our dreams.

God has placed each of us here for a purpose and we need to find what his purpose for our lives is and make sure that we stay on the path that will lead us to the fulfillment of that purpose.

I read something this morning that struck a cord with me, it said: “We need to remember the core of who we are is a sprit born in the image of Christ who is sent here to fulfill a purpose before going back home.”

I hope that each of you take a moment to reflect on the purpose that you were put here for and let God show you where He wants to lead you and which path to take toward fulfilling that plan. Have a wonderful day and a Happy New Year.

*The Scroll art is from the Shabby Princess Harvest Spice Collection

1 comment:

Stefanie said...

Happy New Year Kate! Just found your blog, I am glad I did. It will be fun to see what you post this year.

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