Wednesday, May 30, 2012

HomeSchooling Our First Year

As we come to the end of our 1st year of homeschooling it is bittersweet. We have had our ups and downs and easy days and hard days. The girls have come along way in developing and adapting to a new learning style. They have taught me how to be more patient and a little more relaxed. It has been a great year and as I look back I really love the experiences.

This year we used a variety of learning materials and ways and I have found somethings that work and things that don't. I have found a community of supporters with my HS Mom's group. They have been a blessing to have, they have offered support after a trying week, they have helped me to realize that even the veteran HS have some of the same issues on any given day. They have been there when I needed a listening ear and not judged me for my shortcomings. I really am so glad that God brought them into my life.

We have visited various places to learn more about various things, from science to history. It has been a learning experience for our whole family and I believe that you really never stop learning.

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