Yes I am making a statement with this blog post. My wonderful Proctor Silex iron has stopped working. I came home from church tonight and decided to work on making some binding strips for some hand towels for my girls’ bathroom. I plugged it in and started to make all my strips and had a pile ready to iron and when I picked up the iron and started to iron I noticed that there was no steam. As you can tell by this picture the light is on and it is turned on correctly.
I have used this brand of iron for years. Ever since we got married over 13 years ago and received on as a wedding present I have always went back to this brand. I like it because it is not too heavy but it is heavy enough to press out the wrinkles with out too much effort. We I guess I will have to find another one or . . . As I am writing this post I hear steam coming out of my iron. I will be back shortly. . . . .
Ok So my iron is working now and I was able to finish my binding strips. Well with the good news that the iron is working I decided to go ahead and make the hand towel. My binding strips are from a king size sheet that had a rip in it. I could not see letting all this beautiful fabric go to waste. So it will become something useful again, starting with the strips for the hand towels, and wash cloths.
See isn’t the fabric just beautiful . Just to pretty not to use. I made single fold strips in a couple of different widths so that I can use one for the hand towels and wash clothes and another for another project that I have in the works.
I used so leftover terry cloth that I had from a project that I had planned but never finished. Please tell me that I am not the only one who gets in the middle of a project and really doesn’t like how it is turning out and decides to us the fabric for something else.
I managed a neat looking mitered corner on this one. I really like the way it turned out and now I have something new that is useful.
And my iron I am thankful to say is working like a charm. I have no idea what went wrong a while ago, but I am glad to inform you that I don’t think that I will need a new one right now.
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I am come a light into the world, that whosoever believeth on me should not abide in darkness. ~ ~ John 12:46
I love that towel... would love to make some for my kids. Are there any step-by-step tutorials you could recommend?
Great job, Kate! I need to make some of those for stocking stuffers! Thank you so much for linking up!
So cute! Thanks for sharing at Feathered Nest Friday! :)
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