Today is the first day that I can really say anything about our new family situation. We have decided after much prayer that we should homeschool our children. I have left my position in the Public school system. I have enjoyed my years there and I am not saying that I will never go back. If the opportunity presents itself and I feel that is where the Lord wants me to be I will gladly return. Its bittersweet knowing that I am leaving a place that has been like a second home to me. From the 1st day my oldest daughter began kindergarten, I was there helping wherever I could. Then the next year I started as a substitute teacher, then began working full time the next year. I enjoyed my time there and the friends that I have made, but I feel like this is what I am supposed to be doing at this place in my life.
I was homeschooled by my mother from 3rd grade through 12th and I enjoyed my years doing so and it has always been in my heart to be able to give my children the same experience. I will keep you all updated on the progress, an how we are doing. I will also be posting a few reviews of the products that we will be using throughout the year. I know that this is a calling that I feel is a necessary step that I am taking. I know that it will not always be easy but I will do it.
I will also be offering Mobile Art Classes for Homeschool Groups and small private schools. I am looking forward to this endeavor because I love art and I think that children need to be able to keep the natural creativity that God gives us all. Each class will be offered on a once per week basis and I will teach Art basics on varied levels for K-8th grades. I feel the middle school students need to know that they can harness they creativity. I will teach the basics for the younger grades to give them a foundation to build upon.
I hope that you will come back and join me on this journey, and give me some feedback.
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