Tuesday, March 22, 2011

The View from My Lens


The beauty of God’s creation is everywhere these days. I love the sight of spring flowers and the smell of the cherry blossoms. They really whisper of a wonderful Creator who cares enough to make the flowers bloom each spring and who cares for us and know us by name. Where every you are today take a look around and enjoy the beauty of God’s creation and know that He is only a prayer away in every situation that you might be facing. When you have no one else to turn to. When you have more burdens than ways out. When you feel all alone in this world. Remember that He is always there to help you. All you need to do is trust in him and ask him to lead you in the way you should go. He will help you no matter how dark the trial is you can let Him in and His light will show you the way through. Remember there is no storm that He cannot not calm with just a few simple words “Peace be still” and the storm has to obey. One of the most helpful things that I always try to keep in mind whenever trouble comes my way is, “ He will always bring us through the trial if we have the faith to stand up and ask Him to help us”. You might not have the strength to make a loud cry for help, but He can hear you even if it is only a whisper.

I have been through trials that I never though I would make it through, I have faced situations that I thought I would lose it all, but God has always stepped in right on time to help me through. His time is not always our time, but he will come through even if there seems to be no way out. He has helped me to see that I cannot walk this path on my on but I need His hand to guide me and to help me along this journey.

We are hear to make a difference in this world and not just be here. We are called to be a witness and stand out from the crowd and not be like everyone else. I know what it is like to feel like I have to fit in or blend in, but that is not what I am called to be. I am called to be a light in this world and not fade into the darkness. This world is filled with darkness and we are surrounded on every side, but light and dark don’t coexist and if we are the light we need to SHINE. This is not the post that I set out to write but these are the words that come from my heart and I hope that you are open to receive them and let them light your path and help you to see that God has his hand in your life and you can overcome any situation that you face if you will let Him lead the way.088

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