Thursday, November 29, 2012

Vintage Sign Inspiration

I love the look of vintage signs. I think about all the change that has taken place in the world since they were first hung. I like to try to figure out what era that they are from, and try to picture in my mind what they would have looked like new. Sometimes we have to look past the flaws to see the beauty that is hiding there, but the beauty is there and it might be the character that is created by the flaws that add to the beauty of the piece.

I was thinking when I began looking at these signs how we are like them in a way. Because overtime the storms of life batter us and leave is chipped and flawed but there is someone who sees the beauty that is underneath and is ready to help us be restored to out former glory . God steps in and smooths out the rough edges of our lives He helps us get past the flaws that the storms of life have caused. And through him we can be transformed and made new again. We just have to trust and believe that we are worthy of his restoration. No one is perfect we all have flaws but our creator sees the beauty that is there and wants you to let him transform you and make you a new creature through Christ Jesus.

These images were taken in and around Dayton, Ohio.


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