- If you would like to advertise your site on our site just email me, and I will send you the advertizing package with Stats and Ad rates.
If you would like your product featured on A Southern Lady please write to:craftykate1@gmail.com
with all your details!
- When you do a guest giveaway with A Southern Lady you benefit from exposure on my website as well as other sites which link to be entered in your contest. If you have a very popular item, the advertising possibilities are endless.
- All Southern Lady art is available for publication. Please contact us if you are interested in publishing.
- If you are interested in sponsoring the Southern Lady's monthly prize or simply have a question: craftykate1@gmail.com .
- Sponsors should note: When you sponsor A Southern Lady, your site's link will be permanently linked on this page and you will receive a sponsor post during the month that your ad is in place on this site.
- Book Reviews: When I place a book review on this blog I also place a review on the book page for Amazon and Barnes and Noble. If you would like me to review your book or books please feel free to e-mail me and I will send you my Snail Mail address.
All of our ads are on a month by month basis. If you would like to purchase in three month intervals you will be given priority placement in the add space.
You will need to supply your ad ready for insertion. If you do not have a button add please feel free to inquire about our design services.
- If you have a post on your blog that you would like to submit to be featured here please email me and I will be glad to take a look at it and will get back to you as soon as possible. Guest post are a great way to get new readers. I would love to swap a guest post with you if I feel like our styles will work well for both of our readers.

Email: craftykate1@gmail.com
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